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Knife grinding disk mill PVC soft materials powder grinding

  • 2018-06-17 15:10
  • 萬(wàn)容機(jī)械
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A, use
Cutter disk mill (turbine pulverizer) with high yield, the characteristics of the fine granularity. Grinding can be processed by the practical test, polyethylene PE, PVC, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene PS, foam PE, PVC, SBS and EVA, soft PVC, rubber, leather, fiber and other materials of powder processing.
Second, the characteristics of
New tool structure, improve the production and to overcome the wearability of cutting tool
New type bearing design and installation, the machine more durable service life
Host the new structural design, stainless steel pipe, stainless steel cyclone
Automatic feed, automatic sorting, automatic discharging, coarse material automatically back to the ground
Easy installation and maintenance, open the door to clean up
High low productivity, low energy consumption, energy conservation, environmental protection, no dust pollution
Low powder fineness 10 ~ 120 mesh adjusted, and the adjusting is simple
Low plastic grinder cooling system adopts wind, combined with the dual cooling water
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