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Global concern plastic means growth patterns will change

  • 2018-06-17 15:01
  • 萬容機械
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Now, more than economic growth, the demand for polymer but in 5 years, 10 years or 20 years later, the consumption will be how?
With the increase of global environmental pressures, the prospect of the plastic is undergoing fundamental changes.
Despite the resistance and the real bottleneck, but to promote more recycling power increased significantly in a very short time. There is little sign that it will be reduced.
In the world environment day and world oceans day and the G7 summit this week, plastic has become the focus of attention.
Plastics production and processing industry will have to ask again, whether the benefits of human well-being has made full propaganda and the understanding.
At the same time, they need to face up to the plastic garbage and pollution problems.
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