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Die maintenance replacement of pelleting machine

  • 2018-06-17 15:01
  • 萬容機械
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Cutting tools and the head is pellets production line priceless, precision components, in addition to need to be careful operation, also need a lot of maintenance. In order to prevent the die failure cause downtime, must be correct operation, and take protective measures to ensure the die head is available at any time. In the process of maintenance, cleaning, or adjust the careless or incorrect operation, is a major cause of damage of the die, so all contact with the die must be strict training for personnel. The operator must thoroughly understand the function of the die head, know the temperature change, die or adjust good regulating effect on the quality of products, also pay attention to the source of the fault. The operator also know the importance of the heater and keep good contact between the die and can determine whether production line fault, the fault in where? When the polymer extrusion are fluctuating, cannot constantly adjust the slit die choke blocks (generally the device was not designed for this purpose). He must also be able to according to the inlet pressure measurements of judging whether the overrun. Also, pay attention to the mouth mould or choke blocks cannot adjust quickly, and should be moderate in adjacent area change, otherwise may damage the bolts and choke blocks. (note: can only use soft material (soft copper, brass, aluminum) production of scraper cleanout mold in the melt, so as not to scratch the wound die, die die gap width mouth also gauge to measure the soft materials such as brass. Even the most minor scratches can also lead to appear on the extrudate stripes, reduce product quality)
Often need to change the die head, especially in the film and sheet extrusion often have this kind of situation, must make the personnel to operate, best before someone is using the experience of disassembly, examination, install the new die. Die head of disassembly, cleaning, repair and maintenance needs to be done at the appointed place, the place to stay away from the production site, pay attention to clean and with a corrugated plate mat, and is equipped with small crane and manual lifting, the chain pulley block often damage the die head. To avoid this risk, can consider to use hemp rope, it can shorten the time of replacement of the die.
Heater check is necessary, pre heater should be equipped with a certain number of heating wires and control system. At this point do not necessarily need to separate the die heater control, but it depends on the size of the die head. If the die head need to thoroughly clean, the main bolt must loosen the die head, but don't have to take off, die head and granulator together, still need to loosen the associated with the flow.
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